terça-feira, 9 de julho de 2013

Walk Cicle Tie Down

Mais um exercício da aula de Character Animation.

 Fiz as três etapas: first pass, second pass e tie down.

Paulo Ignez criou o personagem.

One more exercise of Character Animation class.

I did all three passes this time: first pass, second pass and tie down.

Paulo Ignez designed the character.

segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2013

Bouncing Ball

A boa e velha bouncing ball.

Meu primeiro exercício no curso de Character Animation com o professor Paulo Ignez na Innovation Creative Space.

Obrigada Paulo por dividir sua sabedoria e ensinamentos, estou aprendendo muito com suas aulas!

Em breve posto mais exercícios.

The good and old bouncing ball.

My first exercise on Character Animation course with professor Paulo Ignez at Innovation Creative Space.

Thanks Paulo for sharing your wisdom, I'm learning a lot with your classes!

More exercises coming soon.